[FairfieldLife] Bevan's Fairfield talk, Sunday
dhamiltony2k5@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
2018-12-05 01:50:21 UTC
..see what’s going on in Maharishi’s movement around the world.

A Special Presentation by Dr. Bevan Morris

Saturday, December 8th
2:00 pm–4:00 pm
Dalby Hall, Argiro Student Center
Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
2018-12-05 02:59:21 UTC
Presumably this is going to be a very short presentation.

Post by ***@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
..see what’s going on in Maharishi’s movement around the world.
A Special Presentation by Dr. Bevan Morris
Saturday, December 8th
2:00 pm–4:00 pm
Dalby Hall, Argiro Student Center
dhamiltony2k5@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
2018-12-05 12:41:39 UTC
Dear Sunshine, Actually these periodic travelogue presentations of the global TM movement given by Bevan are quite interesting to assess.

Part of a discovery after MMY’s death was just how far and developed the .org TM movement reached around the world. Each and every continent had developed w/ decades old dedicated long-term TM teachers, centers, built schools and such. A couple of years ago Jerry Jarvis sent me a thumb drive of 500 hours of MMY lectures that I made available through FairfieldLife. At the time it was interesting to see from where around the globe people contacted me and who all wanted to get copies of the thumb drive at the time. Jai Guru Dev.

However, Given the slide in the Fairfield Dome meditation attendance numbers, the collapse of the pundit program, and the demographic/actuarial erosion of donor base then everyone living in and around Fairfield, Iowa should be very interested in attending these meetings.

Just the brick and mortar school as we see it as an anchor of communal TM here could easily move somewhere else. In five years the ‘University’ could look very different from the way we see it now and be somewhere else.

For instance, take a look at these haunting pictures of the TM movement at the center of America..
437331Re: Images of the Brahmasthan https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/messages/437331 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/messages/437331

Or in context, Further back in the archive..
120565Brahmastan is so cool! ( Those Shristavas sure have a big house! )
. .

---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@gmail.com> wrote :

Presumably this is going to be a very short presentation.


On Dec 4, 2018, at 5:50 PM, ***@yahoo.com mailto:***@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] <***@yahoogroups.com mailto:***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

..see what’s going on in Maharishi’s movement around the world.

A Special Presentation by Dr. Bevan Morris

Saturday, December 8th
2:00 pm–4:00 pm
Dalby Hall, Argiro Student Center
